
5 things that make Danish students the happiest in the world

ITT – Not paying too much attention on grades, encouraging students to be themselves, put priorities on the students’ happiness, giving everyone an equal chance are the golden things that make Danish students the happiest in the world.

Recently, Bight Side has pointed out the 5 things in Denmark’s education system that make its students the happiest in the world.

  1. Being the best need not be the main goal

The education system of Denmark does not devote to help students pass exam but to encourage their curiosity and abilities for their development. Schools always try to make students understand that each one of them has their own abilities. This means that, regardless of the grades, each individual can find a place in the society and contribute to it.

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  1. Knowing how to be yourself

The educational curriculum of Denmark encourages the development of each person. According to it, the elementary education system will not only provide students with fundamental knowledge but also help develop their personality as well as fully equip them with necessary skills before they participate in the society.

  1. Not encouraging rote learning

In Denmark’s schools, students are encouraged to look for information by themselves and conduct their experiments or analysis independently. Students are thought to be doubtful and skeptical about anyone’s statement and to have their own ideas. By doing so, students can have a more understanding of self-respect and a deeper knowledge.

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  1. Result is not the crucial thing

If there is a comparison of exam results between different education system of many countries, Denmark can hardly reach the top. However, it is on the top 3 countries for best education system in the world. This is because students do not need to think studying as a suffering process but instead they can always enjoy and relax when needed. Moreover, they are given more knowledge that is not included in the school curriculum so that there will be more chances to explore and to develop their talents and creativity.

  1. Everyone has an equal chance

Only 11% of the Danish think that high salary is the determined factor on which career they would follow. This is the result of the orientation the education system of Denmark brought. According to a survey, 50% of Danish citizens confirm that they can freely determine their future and more importantly, they can control it. It is truly the country having education system the happiest in the world.

Intertu Education