
Common myths about studying in the US

Common myths about studying in the US

ITT – One of the common myths about studying in the US is that many people think that they have to be very rich to study in the US and students here just like to party, but admissions experts reject this view.

You have to be very rich to be able to study in the US

Pamela Rambo, founder of Rambo Research and Consulting in the education sector, says tuition fees in the US vary widely. Tuition and application fees at universities range from 24,000-35,000 USD/year (about 550-810 million VND), the top schools are over 55,000-80,000 USD.

To reduce costs, students can look to the school’s scholarships. Many places will automatically review the criteria and award scholarships from funds for international students without requiring an application or proof of funds. Not to mention, students can access the school’s international loan program to solve difficulties.

Regarding the cost of living, Rambo says international students can save as low as 10,000-18,000 USD per year. She advises international student families to strike a balance between tuition fees and the quality of the schools’ education. Some universities have good quality, moderate tuition such as Florida State, Missouri, Virginia Tech…

It is almost impossible to get a US student visa

Covid-19 causes many embassies and consulates to temporarily close, the visa application process may be delayed. However, experts on common myths about studying in the US say that if you have been accepted by at least one US college, international students will not have much difficulty getting a visa.

Eric Welsh, an immigration attorney, said international student offices at universities will assist and guide international students through the visa application process. Currently this process is not too much of a hassle, and it is even possible to do and interview online.

Universities are located in big cities and are not safe

US has nearly 4,000 universities and colleges. Schools are located in a wide variety, not only in the city but also in the countryside and in small towns.

To determine how safe a campus is through crime data, families can visit the Campus Safety and Security website. In addition, many universities like Mexico often work closely with the police to solve law violations that occur on campus, and organize educational programs on safety skills.

Students at American universities just love to party

In many Hollywood movies, American students are shown to enjoy partying, have fun and rarely pay attention to their studies. But this is one of the common myths about studying in the US, especially at top universities.

Nicole Tami, Executive Director of the Global Education Initiative at the University of Mexico, said that American universities often organize extracurricular and recreational activities to provide opportunities for exchange and balance with the academic schedule for students. However, this does not mean that schools go easy on partying.

Most American universities issue regulations regarding the use of alcohol, beer, and drugs at school and during adolescence. Violent acts are generally prohib

Intertu Education