
IB Biology

IB Biology


IB Biology is two year Standard Level or Higher Level course that fulfills the science requirement for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).

IB Diploma Biology is offered at both higher and standard level. The HL course is designed for students who intend to pursue Biology or related disciplines at university. The SL course is appropriated for those students who do not intend to study Biology beyond this level, but have a general interest in the subject. The syllabus is arranged around 4 basic biological concepts: Structure and function; Universality versus diversity; Equilibrium within systems and Evolution.


  • Provide opportunities for scientific study and creativity within a global context which will stimulate and challenge students.
  • Provide a body of knowledge, methods and techniques which characterize science and technology.
  • Develop an ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesize scientific information.
  • Develop experimental and investigative scientific skills.
  • Encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the scientific method.


  • Small group (maximum 8 students/class).

  • Qualified and experienced teachers.

  • Follow on IB curriculum.

  • Develop solving problems and analysis skills.

  • Supply tips and methods for IB exams.

Course Information

CoursesSessions/WeekTuition Fee (1 on 1)Tuition Fee (1 on 2)Tuition Fee (Group 3-4)
IB Biology SL2ContactContact8.280.000
IB Biology HL2ContactContact8.280.000

Available Schedule

Morning09.00 – 10.30
10.30 – 12.00
Afternoon14.00 – 15.30
15.30 – 17.00
Evening17.00 – 18.30
18.30 – 20.00


  • pham quoc phong Posted 17/09/2021 13:02

    Chào Itertu Education.

    Trung tâm mình có dạy , Lý, hóa, Sinh cho học sinh đang học lớp 6 không? Có thể học chương trình lớp 6,7 3 môn trên. Hiện tại kiến thức 3 môn này tốt ở trình độ lớp 6, Hiện Cháu đang học lớp 6 trướng AISVN theo chương trình tú tài IB, học 1 kèm 1 . Nếu có lộ trình học và giáo trình theo lộ trình học Bé sẽ tham gia học lâu dài,

    • Đỗ Thành Danh Posted 17/09/2021 14:08

      Bạn vui lòng cho xin số điện thoại để trung tâm tiện liên hệ hoặc bạn có thể gọi đến hotline của trung tâm 02822426282 để được thông tin thêm.

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The curricula at Intertu Education spread out in many fields. The courses are designed specifically compatible with training programs of international schools in Vietnam.


Learning Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in IB program at Intertu Education, I easily acquire the in­depth knowledge than just sitting and reading at school. The lecture is designed alluringly so I passed the exam with high result.


Working environment at Intertu Education is more professional than many other places I’ve ever taught. The curriculum is very open so I can promote all my capabilities to students.


Business English course is held scientifically and methodically. Teacher made ​​the situation very closely with the actual working environment at the company. Certainly, my company will cooperate with Intertu Education more and more in the future.


After 8 sessions of Communicative English, I felt improved, more confident about my abilities, and actively open up with native speakers. Now, I’m currently able to apply communication skills in English for my working environment.