
Top 10 best universities in the world for Economics

Top 10 best universities in the world for Economics

ITT – US occupies the majority of positions in the top 10 best universities in the world for Economics, in which the first place is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University.

Times Higher Education (THE) evaluates and ranks best universities in the world for Economics based on training and research activities in areas including: business and management, accounting and finance, economics and econometrics.

From these industries, THE calculates scores based on 13 separate indicators, divided into 5 groups with different weights. The group of teaching criteria (learning environment) has a weight of 30.9%; research (volume, income, reputation) 32.6%; scientific citations (research influence) 25%; international outlook (staff, students and research) 9% and industry earnings (knowledge transfer) 2.5%.

With this scoring method, the top 10 best universities in the world for Economics are as follows:

1Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)US92
=1Stanford UniversityUS92
3Cambridge UniversityUK89
4Oxford UniversityUK88,2
5Harvard UniversityUS87,9
6University of California in Berkeley (UC Berkeley)US87,3
7University of ChicagoUS86,9
8University of YaleUS86,6
9London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)UK86,4
10University of DukeUS85,1


Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University in the US share the top spot with an assessment score of 92/100. Next are two British schools – Stanford and Cambridge University with 89 and 88.2 respectively. These are all famous schools in many fields, not only economics and business.

The remaining positions in the top 10 are also in the US and UK, in which the UK has one more representative, the London School of Economics and Political Science, ranked 9th. The rest are American schools, including Harvard University (London University). 5th), UC Berkeley (6), Chicago (7), Yale (8) and Duke (10).

If we look at the top 20, the US and the UK still occupy many positions, but there are two representatives in Asia: Tsinghua University of China ranked 11th, National University of Singapore ranked 15th.

This year, THE ranked 795 schools in the group of Economics and Business, an increase of 66 compared to last year. The ranked schools come from more than 70 countries. Vietnam has two participating universities, including Ton Duc Thang University (group 201-250) and National University of Ho Chi M

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