
Singapore education promote human potential

Singapore education promote human potential

ITT – Singapore education is one of the best for international students. Many recent reports show that this is a safe country with a system of optimal health care and education to promote human potential.

Despite meager resources, Singapore’s economy is not in the least meager. The country was ranked 3rd in the world for per capita income and was also the 4th Global Financial Center.

What makes this country become such a financial powerhouse is the flawless education system. From primary school, after the completion of grade 3, students were assigned according to their abilities, who have high results may select programs a bit more difficult. Next is the secondary, depending on their abilities, students are classified to 4 or 5 years program, and at this stage, students would select major in line with abilities, interests and passions, rather than having to learn many subjects as in other countries.

After O-level certification exam, students will choose one of three directions, depending on preferences. 1st direction is the 3-year practical college program, 2nd is studying in vocational colleges for 2 years to go to work and 3rd is for the students with better knowledges and skills – go for A-level certificate, then attend university if they meet the requirements.

The flexibility in Singapore education system helps students with career orientation and scheduling. Every year, Singapore government reserves 20% of the total national budget for education investment, accounting for a large proportion of all industries. With such strong investment, the education system in Singapore is upgraded greatly and even attracts international students all over the world to come there to study, that brings significant benefit to the country.

University system in Singapore is slightly different compared to other countries. That is they will be linked with education systems in other advanced countries. In addition, students studying in Singapore can also go to other countries depending on their choice to complete their program. The education program at private school is often shortened with 2-3 years to complete a degree and 12-15 months for a master degree. In addition, students study specialized subjects developed skills and knowledge in accordance with ability and interest in the first place rather than learn all the basics. That’s why they say Singapore education promote human potential.

Intertu Education