
The first Vietnamese language examination in Japan

The first Vietnamese language examination in Japan

ITT – When the relationship Vietnam – Japan is being established, the Japan’s government is paying more attention to Vietnamese language ability of its people more than ever. For example, in July 25th, the first Vietnamese language examination is held in the Japan College of Language.

Kỳ thi năng lực tiếng Việt - study

There are over 400 candidates of different ages, most of them are employees in this Vietnamese language examination.

Chairman of the Managing Board of Non-profit Educational Association Bunsai Gakuen – Mr. Ise Yoji has claimed that there are 3 reasons that the Vietnamese language examination should be held. Firstly, this century is supposed to be “The Age of South East Asia”. Secondly, while Vietnam is on its development path, Vietnamese ought to be taught to Japanese people so that they can understand Vietnamese culture. Finally, the number of Japanese students who choose to study abroad in Vietnam is rising consecutively.

In recent years, the relationship between Vietnam and Japan is cemented through many aspects. On top of that, there are a lot of Japanese firms are investing in Vietnam so developing Vietnamese language in Japan is a potential movement.

Intertu Education