
Educational opinions of Donald Trump speech

ITT – In the campaign, new president Donald Trump has discussed many important issues of education over a decade. Educational opinions of Donald Trump speech are opposing the study standards, changing the education monopoly policy of the government and cost cutting.

  1. Choose schools: As president, he would set national targets for poor children to have the right to choose a school. If all states would contribute more $110 billion to its education budget to supplement 20 billion of federation, every student from elementary to high school under the poverty policy would be received $12.000 fund of choosing schools.
  2. 2. General standards of studying: He is absolutely against the study standards, and has a desire to escape from it. American education needs to be fixed the educational system which was cracked. Comprehensive education would abolish the boundary between knowing too much and less understanding of the different subjects – the necessary subjects for success. The educational monopoly policy of the government was failed and needs to change immediately.Quan điểm của Donald Trump - Trump có nhiều quan điểm cứng rắn về giáo dục
  3. 3. University education loans: A 4-year educational programs are now expensive to be able to create 6 number debts. Though we can not ignore this debt, but we should gradually help students. There is no reason for the federal government to get benefit from student loans. This is one of the things that the government should not make money the most, but the reality is different, student loans should be seen as an investment for the future of the United States.
  4. 4. Cost of education: United States ranked first in terms of investment costs for each student, considered as the worldwide scope. Educational opinions of Donald Trump speech is would not cut services, but would cut spending and could remove the Ministry of Education.
  5. 5. Study at school: Schools in the US are not secured. The most important things are that many children have not been taught. Too many of them left school to enter the school of life, too many graduated with a devalued degree, just as participation certificates issued by a down-level curriculum with a few teachers and even few School is a place filled with crime and they are not taught. That’s educational opinions of Donald Trump speech.
Intertu Education