
Finland educational system: The most “lazy” educational system in the world

Finland educational system: The most “lazy” educational system in the world

ITT – According to the report of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Finland educational system have the least study time in class in compare with the others in OECD.

Finland students enjoy a ten-week summer vacation. Before the age of seven, there is neither school compulsory nor homework for children. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to exhibitions, museums or take part in outdoor activities to relax after school time.

Education specialists mentioned that Finland parents have the methods to let their children “fully” approach to education and family. The milestone concept of Finland educational system is “trust”. The leading education specialist of Finland – Saku Tuominen claimed that parents believe that schools will provide the best choices for the best educational background with the most skillful teachers. Teachers in Finland are chosen from ten percent of the students who have excellent results every year. Moreover, they are empowered by being given freedom in their works.

Finland educational system was built base on revolutions since 1970s and 1980s and they have stuck with these polices since then. “Stability” is one of the vital factors that carry an ordinary educational system to a world-class one. Last but not least, Finland provides free-tuition education programs. On top of that, study materials, lunch and means of transport are provided to students without charging additional charge.

Intertu Education