
What are the plans for UK universities after Covid-19?

What are the plans for UK universities after Covid-19?

ITT – In the current context, universities are having specific action plans to ensure safety for students when returning to school in the new school year. So what are the plans for UK universities after Covid-19?

Strict hygiene measures

It is certain that items such as masks, hand sanitizers, or antiseptics will become familiar items for international students when they return to school. UK universities after Covid-19 will actively strengthen school hygiene measures to ensure safety, including equipping disinfection stations, separating students, or increasing regular cleaning of the campus.

The social gap in the classroom

Wearing a mask is required in the teaching space and on campus. In addition, the school will provide students with two reusable masks.

Blended learning method

The blended learning method means that students will attend both on-campus and online lessons simultaneously. The organization of classes will also be carried out according to government guidelines and advice, including requirements for social segregation. In addition, students will also participate in learning seminars or virtual interactive activities through online teaching and learning platforms.

Student support services

Although face-to-face meetings and consultation with UK universities after Covid-19 may be limited, students will still enjoy professional and friendly support from the university such as career support services, medical support services, mental health…

Sports and recreational activities

For many students, participating in student activities is an indispensable part. In the current context, although some sports clubs did not immediately resume normal functioning, UK universities were expected that they could open their sports facilities and welcome return students as soon as possible, provided that students are safe and follow the instructions of the sports governing department.

Intertu Education