



To be awarded an IB Diploma, students must fulfill the three core requirements:

+ Join in activities “Creativity, Action and Service” (CAS).

+ Complete Extended Essay (EE) 4,000 words.

+ Participate in the course “Theory of Knowledge” (TOK).


    – CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service):

  • Creativity: Exploring and extending ideas..
  • Activity: Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Service: Collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need.

    – EE (Extended Essay):

  • Promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity.
  • Provide students with an opportunity to engage in personal research in a topic of their own choice.

    – TOK (Theory of Knowledge):

  • Encourage each student to reflect on the nature of knowledge by critically examining different ways of knowing (perception, emotion, language, and reason) and different kinds of knowledge (scientific, artistic, mathematical, and historical).
  • Challenge students to reflect critically and ask questions about ways of knowing and areas of knowledge.


  • Small group (maximum 8 students/class), large group or one-on-one.

  •  Qualified and experienced teachers.

  • Follow on IB curriculum.

  • Develop writing skills, reflect skills.

  • Share expericens and methods for choosing suitable themas.

Course Information

CoursesSessions/WeekTuition Fee (1 on 1)Tuition Fee (1 on 2)Tuition Fee (Group 3-4)
IB CAS2ContactContact8.280.000
IB EE2ContactContact8.280.000
IB TOK2ContactContact8.280.000

Available Schedule

Morning09.00 – 10.30
10.30 – 12.00
Afternoon14.00 – 15.30
15.30 – 17.00
Evening17.00 – 18.30
18.30 – 20.00

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The curricula at Intertu Education spread out in many fields. The courses are designed specifically compatible with training programs of international schools in Vietnam.


Learning Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in IB program at Intertu Education, I easily acquire the in­depth knowledge than just sitting and reading at school. The lecture is designed alluringly so I passed the exam with high result.


Working environment at Intertu Education is more professional than many other places I’ve ever taught. The curriculum is very open so I can promote all my capabilities to students.


Business English course is held scientifically and methodically. Teacher made ​​the situation very closely with the actual working environment at the company. Certainly, my company will cooperate with Intertu Education more and more in the future.


After 8 sessions of Communicative English, I felt improved, more confident about my abilities, and actively open up with native speakers. Now, I’m currently able to apply communication skills in English for my working environment.