
Leading countries in education in the world are constantly innovating

Leading countries in education in the world are constantly innovating

ITT – That is the share of PhD. Tshering Lama, global young leader of the World Economic Forum, at a high-quality school conference in the 4.0 era on leading countries in education in the world.

Opening the sharing section with Vietnamese teachers and school administrators, PhD. Tshering Lama introduced from Nepal with his own journey from a village school in the mountains. The son of a carpenter who also worked in the farm, he has now become the director of the Nepal Idea Center and the global young leader of the World Economic Forum.

With all the qualifications and professional development experienced in the path of learning, he thinks that everything can happen, achieving the set goal if there is an investment in education: “Today’s education can be considered a start for teachers and students and takes place every day, but this reward cannot guarantee what the future will be like. We should try to continue these efforts to achieve a bright future as a development orientation.”

He cites the leading countries in education in the world such as Finland and Singapore. Finland, despite being regarded as the world’s leading educational achievement, in August 2016, they launched a new training program to ensure that students can gain skills to get good jobs. The success of Finnish education system depends very much on the research of teaching methods and the qualified, competent and skilled teachers. All teachers here have master’s degrees in education.

Singapore offers a system of subject-based rating instead of the traditional assessment. Arrangement by level based on such subjects will help learners to choose subjects at low or high levels according to their ability. The country began to implement the program in March 2019 and will test on 25 schools next school year before it can be widely applied by 2024.

PhD. Tshering Lama said that the changes taking place in leading countries in education in the world is the motivation for us to be ready to face the 4.0 industrial revolution and educational innovations.

Intertu Education