
Update SAT required colleges in 2018-2019

Update SAT required colleges in 2018-2019

ITT – Each year, the requirements and recommendations around SAT Subject Tests (or also known as SAT II) grow more diverse. Many colleges recently loose their requirements. Still, the most competitive SAT required colleges have tough enrollment.

Many SAT required colleges think that SAT Subject Tests could reflect the ability of candidates. This often makes parents and students queasy.

Homeschooled students and international applicants should not depend upon that. The requirements for both groups can be considerably more rigorous. They should search out the entrance requirements of every college to which they might apply.

In school year 2018-2019, Carnegie Mellon University now recommends, rather than requires, SAT II.

Tufts has dropped its Subject Test requirements. The university now requires only SAT I or ACT.

Harvard University now recommends two Subject Tests except in cases of financial hardship. The representative of the school emphasized that the decision whether to take SAT Subject Tests is definitely up to candidates. They should ask themselves whether other academic credentials such as AP results, IB marks, A Levels grades, etc., can represent your suitability for studying at Harvard or not.

The SAT required colleges in 2018-2019 is listed below:

Trường đại học cần SAT McGrill University

Trường đại học cần SAT Rice University

Trường đại học cần SAT Tufts University

Trường đại học cần SAT Duke University



Colleges listed as Required often require at least 2 Subject Tests in different subjects. However, almost half of the colleges in this group actually allow for the ACT to substitute for both the SAT and SAT Subject Tests. An applicant should ask whether an ACT or the SAT Combo Pack better reflects his or her capabilities.


Colleges listed as Recommended is appropriate for students who take SAT Subject Test but their score is not enough for Required schools.


Colleges listed as Considered view Subject Tests as optional information. However, SAT II is an important way in which students can make their testing portfolio stand out at one of the most selective universities in the country.


Colleges listed as Alternative are the small but growing number of schools that allow an applicant to submit Subject Test scores in lieu of SAT and ACT scores.

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