
Singapore students who is the best at Math in the world

Singapore students who is the best at Math in the world

ITT – According to a research on a global scale which has been announced on November 29th, Singapore students who is the best at Math in the world.

In the study of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) – a test has been widely recognized by policy planners and scholars from around the world which showed the advance of Singapore students from the applicability and argument skills to advance of the weak student groups. This is the 2nd time Singapore students have achieved outstanding result in comparison with other countries in the four categories of research which has been done every 4 years.

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On November 29th, the Minister of Education of Singapore said research results shown that the effort of schools in imparting high level thinking skills for students and programs serving the learning demand of them are collecting good results as expected. All thanks to special education methods in Singapore. The majority of schools in other countries often asked students to memorize multiplication tables and practice mental arithmetic. Meanwhile, students are forbidden to learn by rote in Singapore, instead of that students are encouraged to apply knowledge into practice, share ideas with teamwork. Mathemactics classes in Singapore are always noisy and talking excitedly. Students folding papers, building models, rearranging pieces of fruit or lollipops. It is a foundation to help Singapore students who is the best at Math in the world.

Children in Singapore starts schooling at 7 years old, there are about 40 students per class and mixing different levels. Teachers often wait for all students to reach a basic standard of each topic before moving on the next concept. While waiting for the weak to acquire basic knowledge, the good one will take the time to learn more about that topic. Moreover, they are also encouraged to learn from each other. Besides, Singapore students will only have to access, study limited and selective number of topics and to be able to apply thoroughly into practice in order to become students who is the best at Math in the world.

Intertu Education