
ITT – GRE is an examination assessing the ability of students to apply for Master or PhD programs in the fields of natural sciences and social sciences (except Medicine, Pharmacy, Law) in the U.S. The test is used to compare and evaluate the candidate’s academic performance alongside his college transcripts and other relevant certifications. Therefore, GRE preparation is very essential.

The structure of the GRE exam is as follows:

Type 1: GRE General Test is for students who want to study postgraduate and is computer-based test, including 3 exams in 225 minutes:

  • Math (130-170 points): 70 minutes.
  • Language (130-170 points): 70 minutes (20 questions).
  • Essay (0-6 points): 30 minutes (analyze a topic or a review).

Type 2: The GRE Subject Test is a paper-based test and is held three times a year worldwide, including:

  • Biochemistry
  • Cell and molecular biology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer science
  • English Literature
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Psychology

To determine the appropriate exam, applicants should refer to the program they are registering. For areas of study that do not have specialized exams, applicants should choose the general test.

As a standardized test, the difficulties of the GRE preparation are inevitable:

  • The exam is in English that requires specialized terminologies.
  • Due to the limited amount of time, you will not be able to finish the exam with your expected score unless you have the skills or tactics.
  • Questions include advanced and specialized knowledge.

Therefore, in order to complete the GRE test, the candidate must have GRE preparation:

  • Build their own strategies for the exam.
  • Practice the GRE past papers.
  • Read the questions carefully in order to complete all of them.
  • Rearrange the given information in Math questions to make it useful hints to answer.
  • Spend more time for the first part of the passage, and read carefully to understand the structure, tone, and ideas arrangement leading to more accurate answers in the reading comprehension.
  • Focus on specific points of the argument and ignore other answers completely or unrelated to that argument.
  • Approaching each sentence to find logical reasoning is better than relying too much on the given facts.
  • Remove unnecessary information for a short and concise writing.

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for GRE preparation. For inquiries and registration, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.

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