
Evaluating GRE preparation center in HCMC

Evaluating GRE preparation center in HCMC

ITT – GRE is considered as a ticket for those who wish to study postgraduate at prestigious American colleges. However, GRE preparation is not that easy. As a result, finding a GRE preparation center is an urgent matter. However, how can you find a quality center?

trung tâm luyện thi GRE - study

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admission requirement of most of graduate schools (Master or PhD) in natural sciences and social sciences (except Medicine, Pharmacy, Law) in the United States. GRE certificate is used to compare and assess the academic performance of graduate applicants alongside college transcripts and related certifications. Therefore, a GRE preparation center must meet a full range of specialized knowledge and provide students with effective test preparation methods. Depending on the target, students have different choices, but generally based on certain standards such as prestige, qualifications, responsibilities, teaching ability.

Frankly, nowadays, GRE preparation center is quite rare. That leads to many disguised education centers have increasingly appeared, which interferes the demand and choice of parents. Most centers provide only English teachers or good-speaking English tutors to simply impart knowledge but they don’t have enough expertise to improve students’ learning results. Another difficulty is that the level of teachers in each center is different. If these teachers do not have pedagogical skills in communicating information to students, it will be hard for students to absorb the knowledge.

Parents should find out carefully whether or not the center provides curriculum in international standards, uses 100% English throughout teaching and learning process, and monitor students’ learning progress regularly. This will ensure that the center is prestigious and quality. In addition, centers can give useful advice about the experience of studying abroad, searching and hunting scholarships and support policies to students who intend to study abroad in the future.

trung tâm luyện thi GRE - test

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for A-star preparation, SSAT preparation, SAT preparation, ACT preparation, GMAT preparation, GRE preparation. For inquiries, please contact us directly, via email or hotline.