
Where to learn academic English well?

ITT English is an essential part of education system. There are lots of people who are good at English but don’t know how to use academic English properly. So, where to learn academic English well?

English is one of the most used languages around the world. Of course, Vietnam is not an exception. Vietnamese students have been learning English at very young age. However, most of them only focus on communication English, and never think about academic English.

học tiếng Anh học thuật ở đâu tốt - english

Then what is the difference between Communication English and Academic English? Most people are supposed to speak and listen basic English. However, it cannot be applied these skills into international exams which require professional words. But, where to learn academic English well?

For those who study Math Physics Chemistry Biology in English, academic English is really important. It not only helps you to listen the lectures, do homework, or look up materials on the internet, but also speeds up your learning progress without missing any knowledge. Because in international environment, you must use 100% English but most of the time you have to study everything on your own. That requires you to have good academic English skills in order to follow the lectures in class.

học tiếng Anh học thuật ở đâu tốt - tutor

There are many ways for you to study academic English. You can learn by joining online forums, reading daily news via English newspapers such as New York Times, Reuters, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal… However, this is just a temporary plan for those who already have basic knowledge. If you are specialized in sciences subjects in English, you should find yourself an appropriate tutor or center. You can save time from ineffective self-learning method if you have the answer of question “Where to learn academic English well?”.

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for communication English, academic English, English for kids, Chinese, Japanese, Korean. For inquiries, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.