
A-level Biology for students who love exploring

A-level Biology for students who love exploring

ITT – The world around us is colorful and full of mysteries human has yet to discover. Biology is one of the important keys leading us to those mysteries. You have passion for exploring? Biology is your favorite subject? A-level Biology is the right program for you.

Biology is one of the most interesting subjects to study even if you are at molecular or basic level. There will always be new things there for human to explore, to learn and to research. Not like Math or Physics with fixed formulas and theories, Biology happens unpredictably around us, even in our bodies without us noticing. We sometimes cannot understand fully or amazed at how it operates. Besides amazing operations of each individual, the diversity, features and the connection of all biological matters are also the factors making it an interesting subject.

A-level Biology

A-level Biology is one of the international programs with high quality recognized by most countries and followed by the majority of students who love exploring. Before starting with A-level Biology, you must have had studied IGCSE Biology or equivalent Biology public programs. This is compulsory since A-level Biology is an advanced program requiring a strong foundation of skills and knowledge. Studying A-level Biology, depending on your plan, you can choose to learn one or both following courses: AS and A-level. A-level course is longer and AS is equivalent to the first year of A-level course. The topics included are: cells, DNA and genetics, natural selection, organisms and ecosystems, observations and experiments.

These may be the topics you studied in previous programs, however, A-level Biology will provide you more in-depth knowledge and more advance skills which can be applied in your official future career, in higher education or even in crucial research contributing to mankind. After finishing the course, you can register for certification exam so that you may have the chance studying in specialized major of Biology such as anatomy, cytology, biology and the environment… in international universities abroad.

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for A-level Biology courses and Biology international programs (IB Biology, AP Biology, IGCSE Biology). For inquiries, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.

Intertu Education