
Intertu Education

Where to study IB?

Where to study IB?

ITT – Do you plan to study in Europe or US but still have not set the exact target of your university? So now, you should consider where to study IB to conquer this exam.

Integrated exam grade 10 preparation

Integrated exam grade 10 preparation

ITT – This summer, there are probably a lot of grade 9 students who are looking for tutors to support integrated exam grade 10 preparation. In addition, Department of Education and Training HCMC announces changes in grade 10 entrance...

How to take integrated exam grade 10?

How to take integrated exam grade 10?

ITT – In June, everyone in our country was bustling with the results of the entrance exam for grade 10 entrance examination, demonstrating the importance of this national exam. How to take integrated exam grade 10 to achieve the best...

Take SAT or ACT?

Take SAT or ACT?

ITT – SAT and ACT are standardized examinations in many places and are one of the criteria in the admissions process of prestigious universities. Should student take SAT or ACT?

Teacher training course

Teacher training course

ITT – There are many international schools are established in Vietnam at the moment, so they need teachers can teach all subjects in English is also indispensable. What should we do if we want to join in teacher training course?