
How often for an ACT exam?

How often for an ACT exam?

ITT – ACT (American College Testing) is one of the most competitive exams, same as SAT exam in US. Universities in South and central West of America tend to prefer ACT score. However, in Vietnam, few of students know this exam. Thus, what is difference of ACT exam from others and how often for an ACT exam?

Thi ACT - exam

In fact, ACT exam is not too different from SAT as you have known. ACT or SAT score is considered as indicators to assess learning ability of international students at university. ACT assessment doesn’t have any detail purposes, generally they want to determine how different intellectual capacity of each student is. Therefore, ACT exam won’t evaluate intelligence, it just concentrates on assessing what students have learned at school and logic thinking as well as analysis ability.

ACT test structure consists of 5 parts, 4 parts are mandatory and a part is free. In mandatory section, it concludes English (analysis and vocabulary), Math (involved to algebra, geometry, solid geometry), reading comprehension and Sciences (situations and solve problems). Writing essay doesn’t required. However, some of universities are requiring this writing essay score, because they want to know student’s opinion about given problems, as well as check their grammar and writing skills.

Thi ACT - tutoring center

ACT exam is held 6 times per year (in 2,4,6,9, 10,12). You should consider that you have to register 5 to 6 weeks before the exam. However, today ACT preparation centers and teachers are quite rare. ACT preparation teachers should have studied this program with high score or they should have enough experience to teach overseas students before. Therefore, if you are finding an ACT preparation teacher or ACT preparation tutor, you should make a plan quickly and find a prestige, believable and qualified one to improve knowledge.

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for A-star preparation, SAT preparation, SSAT preparation, GMAT preparation, ACT preparation, GRE preparation. For inquires, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.