
How to score SSAT test?

How to score SSAT test?

ITT – SSAT is a standardized entrance exam for students in grades 5-11 entering grades 2-3 in US. Do you know how to score SSAT test?

SSAT is administered by the Secondary School Admission Test Board. Do you know that getting higher SSAT score, the greater the probability of receiving scholarship?

The results of SSAT test are an important element in admissions process in secondary school and high schools in US. You should find out about SSAT preparation program and the benefits of getting SSAT certification now by knowing how to score SSAT test.

SSAT is divided into three levels: Elementary, Middle, Upper. Each standardized test consists of a 155-minute test that consists of a series of multiple choice questions, divided into 3 parts scored and one thesis written (unmarked). The structure of Middle and Upper is the same, but the difficulty of the test will increase gradually.

The advantage of SSAT is that there is no limit to the number of tests per year for each student. SSAT is held several times a year, so students can take the exam as often as they like.

Each question has the same score. Each correct answer scores 1 point. Any wrong answers will be deducted 0.25 points. Candidates will not be penalized if they miss a question. SSAT provides both numerical and percentage points for each test. A percentage point comparison of a student with other students of the same age and gender tested over 3 years ago.

A note on how to score SSAT test is that writing essay will not be graded, but schools will assess student’s ability through the essay. A copy of essay will be attached to SSAT report sent to school or counselor. Therefore, when writing essay, students must be very careful and avoid to be subjective for this contest.

It is not enough to focus on SSAT prepararion. Students need to know how to score SSAT test to avoid losing points, and to appreciate the results of their exams.

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for SSAT preparation. For inquiries, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.