
A-level exam preparation online

A-level exam preparation online

ITT – A-level exam preparation online for Intertu Education was born a long time ago, but before the complicated situation of the global Covid-19, the center has introduced the application of online teaching application, specifically designed for online interactive teaching process.

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The benefits of online interactive learning

A-level exam preparation online center
  • Practice A-level exam preparation online directly with teachers, students will be answered immediately the knowledge and exercises are not mastered, unlike learning via pre-recorded video.
  • Students do not take time to move, especially during the global flu season.
  • Flexible study time for both teachers and students, can take advantage of free time to register for study anytime, anywhere.
  • You can study with prestigious, quality A-level tutoring center even if they are not located in the same area of ​​residence.
  • Store learning materials via computer memory or right on the online application, easy to download when using, no need to print documents taking up storage space.

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A-level exam preparation online

A-level exam preparation online tutor

Online exam preparation has never been so effective in the 2020 epidemic season. Although Cambrige canceled its A-level exam in 2020, the review of university admission process scores makes A-level exam preparation is even more focused so that they can achieve the best score and enough university admissions score.

The new online teaching applied at the center is specifically designed to integrate all functions in a single application, maximum support for direct interactive online teaching:

  • Interactive electronic board (can write and draw directly on the screen).
  • Video call.
  • Learning materials are uploaded to the interactive whiteboard easily by dragging and dropping the file.
  • Students can do the test directly on the board.
  • Where the student is doing homework, the teacher assigns it there, saving considerable time.
  • Lectures are saved in automatic mode, students can review as needed.
  • Along with many other useful features.

In addition to applying the above specialized software, the center also applies the teaching process below.

For more: How to practice A-level exam effectively?

Online teaching process

Most parents who have children attending online learn about the effectiveness. Because, online learning easily makes them distracting, not motivated and boring. In order to solve this problem, the academic team has set up A-level exam preparation online process as carefully as the traditional lessons.

In addition, teachers also associate lessons with life knowledge, chat to stimulate the learning spirit of students with visual and vivid images. Each 90 minute lesson will be conducted in 5 steps:

  1. Teachers prepare well before the lesson (15 minutes).
  2. Teachers summarize and explain central theory, linking knowledge to real life (30 minutes).
  3. The teacher shows examples or applications of the lesson to life through videos, illustrations (10 minutes).
  4. Students do applied and advanced exercises (30 minutes).
  5. Teacher corrects the lesson for students (20 minutes).

For more: A-level exam tips

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for A-level courses (A-level Math, A-level Physics, A-level Chemistry, A-level Biology, A-level Economics, A-level English). For inquiries, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.