
Intertu Education

SAT 1 exam and things to know

SAT 1 exam and things to know

ITT – SAT is a commonly standardized test which be interested in Vietnam. Planning for studying abroad, many people are looking for SAT preparation courses to ensure passing the exam. So, what do you know about SAT and SAT 1 exam in...

Is it hard to learn specialized English?

Is it hard to learn specialized English?

ITT – At high schools and universities in Vietnam, teaching in English is increasingly popular. This creates many chances for students to acquire knowledge. However, specialized English in those subjects causes many difficulties in the...

How to prepare for A-level exam tips?

How to prepare for A-level exam tips?

ITT – A-level certificate is considered as a passport to apply to famous universities in the world, especially in England because the high score of A-level is a prerequisite to study bachelor degrees, especially the Medical, Engineering and...

How to find Biology tutor?

How to find Biology tutor?

ITT – Nowadays, Math Physics Chemistry and Biology are increasingly applied in many high schools. In which, student have met difficultywith theories and exercises when studying Biology. So, the question is how to find Biology tutor makes...

Popular Chemistry terms in English

Popular Chemistry terms in English

(Tiếng Việt) ITT – Hóa học là một môn khoa học tự nhiên mang tính ứng dụng thực tế cao, cũng là một nhánh liên kết các môn khoa học khác. Hóa học bằng tiếng Anh đã và đang được đưa vào chương trình giảng dạy ở Việt Nam, nhằm giúp học sinh...