
Popular Economics terms in English

Popular Economics terms in English

ITT – The society has been growing, which is attached to the development of economy in parallel with the progress of the world. In order to integrate with new market you need to change yourself to adapt this environment, and one of which is English, especially Economics terms in English.

There are 2 objects of learning Economics in English. First, international school students who are facing with this difficult subject. At some schools, Economics in English is required in curriculum and you have to accomplish it. You will face with Maths exercises that you haven’t ever met before and you have to reason and analyze to solve problems.

thuật ngữ Kinh tế bằng tiếng Anh-popular

The second object is students who have the desire to study Economics to earn a high salary or work overseas. Poor vocabulary is such a difficulty to communicate or how to use words in report. Therefore, here is a list of popular Economics terms in English.

Economics terms in EnglishDefinition
AbolishFormally put an end to a practice or institution.
Absolute securityIt is defined something safe 100 percent with no exception.
AccompanyProvide or serve as a complement to.
Account holderThe person whose name is on a bank account.
AchieveBring about or accomplish by effort, skill, or courage.
AdaptorA device for connecting pieces of equipment.
Administrative costThey are the expenses that an organization incurs not directly tied to a specific function such as manufacturing, production or sales.
BeneficiaryA person who gain benefit from something, especially trust or will.
Authorize (Authorization)To give authority or official power to.
BACSBacs Payment Schemes Limited, formerly known as Bankers’ Automated Clearing Services, is the organisation with responsibility for the schemes behind the clearing and settlement of UK automated payment methods, Direct Debit and Bacs Direct Credit.
Bank cardIt is typically a plastic card issued by a bank to its clients that performs one or more of a number of services that relate to giving the client access to their account.
BankerBankerve official permission for or approval to.
Bankrupt BustA company or trade organization faces with difficult financial, lose benefit and can’t afford to paying debt.
Carry outDo, complete or execute.
Cash cardA plastic card issued by a bank or building society which enables the holder to withdraw money from a cash dispenser.
Cash flowA total amount of money passing into and out of a business, especially as affecting liquidity.
CashierA person handling payments and receipts in a shop, bank, or business.
CashpointWhere you can get cash instead of go to the bank.
Central switchControl all of information, images and treat trouble.
CHAPSThis is the last system to complete stockbroking process.
Charge cardA credit card for use with an account which must be paid in full when a statement is issued.
Check-out tillA place you pay youe money after your shopping.
Cheque cardA card issued by a bank to guarantee the honouring of cheques up to a stated amount.
Cheque clearingIt is the process of moving a cheque from the bank in which it was deposited to the bank on which it was drawn, and the movement of the money in the opposite direction.
CirculationMovement to and fro or around something.
ClearDischarge all of debts.
CodewordA word or phrase that has a secret meaning or that is used instead of another word or phrase to avoid speaking directly.
CollectBring or gather together.
CommissionA sum paid to an agent in a commercial transaction.
ConstantlyQccurring continuously, remain the same.
ConsumerA person who buy goods or services for personal use.
CorrespondentBank transaction.
CostThe amount that something costs.
CounterA long flat-topped fitment across which business is conducted in a shop or food and drinks are served.
Crossed chequeIt is crossed with two parallel lines, either across the whole check or through the top left-hand corner of the cheque.
Current accountAn account with a bank or building society which money may be withdrawn without notice.

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for Economics in English courses and Economics international programs (IB Economics, AP Economics, A-level Economics, IGCSE Economics). For inquiries, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.