
How does the A-level exam take place?

How does the A-level exam take place?

ITT Along with IB, AP, IGCSE, A-level is rising these days in Vietnam. However, don’t you know how does the A-level exam take place?

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A-level program

After finishing the IGCSE program, students enter the A-level program. A-level is a pre-university course in the UK for students from 16 to 18 years old. This is the “golden ticket” that is highly appreciated by the university system in Europe.

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A-level preparation center

The A-level program provides knowledge equivalent to grades 11-12 in Vietnam with science subjects such as Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, etc. and social subjects such as Literature, History, Geography, etc.

The program lasts 2 years. During the first year, students will study AS Level. In their second year, students will continue to study A2 Level and complete the program. The A-level score is the combined result of the 2 school years.

Conditions for you to study A-level program:

  • Completion of grade 10 program or minimum C score for 5 IGCSE exams, including Math.
  • IELTS 5.5 / TOEFL iBT 71.
  • From 17 to 18 years old.

For more: What is A-level certificate?

Online A-level preparation

How does the A-level exam take place?

At the A-level, students must go through 2 official exams in the year: January exam is for A2 students to take the test again to get higher scores (not fail but re-test) and June exam for students who have completed AS. All knowledge learned will be included in both of these tests.

In order to pass these exams, you should firmly grasp systematic knowledge, avoid studying, and learning deviations. A-level exam scores from A to E. Normally, A and B are required by top universities.

The test is provided by CIE in June and November each year. All exams will be graded in the UK and test results will be announced in August and January.

Before worrying about how does the A-level exam takes place, students should carefully study the subject they attend, which school they will apply, and then choose a subject that suits their abilities. Finally, you should complete the application to apply for schools and visas, as well as psychological readiness to interview with a school representative.

For more: How to review for A-level?

Now, Intertu Education is enrolling potential students for IB exam preparationAP exam preparationA-level exam preparationIGCSE exam preparation. For inquiries, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.